Before Christmas 圣诞节来临之前 

Since Madison is a public School,we respect all the cultures.We don’t have a school wide activity to celebrate Christmas. Christmas surely is the most popular andthe kids like it much more than any other festival. So we did a lot Chritmas things in our class before Christmas. 


We start from the morning work , we are drawing Christmas pictures instead of writing Chinese Characters or writing numbers. Such as the reindeer,the ginger bread house and also Santa. For the Chinese language,we watched the Video about Christmas in Chinese in that way we learned some Christmas words. Like “Christmas tree圣诞树”“Christmas Day圣诞节”“Christmas Eve平安夜”“Santa Clous 圣诞老人”“麋鹿Reindeer “. As for the songs we learned the Jingle Bells铃儿响叮当” .  We even made a handcraft of reindeer. We paste the body parts of the paper reindeer together and we get an decaration for the Christmas tree. I got the messages from parents said that the kids are super happy about it and put it on to the Christmas tree right after they go home. And taught the parents how to say Merry Christmas in Chinese !

我们就从早晨作业开始吧,我们没有写汉字或者做数学题,而是给一些圣诞图片涂色,像圣诞老人的图片,麋鹿的图片,姜饼人的图片,还有姜饼屋的图片。我们一边涂,一边学这些生词。我们还看了 这些圣诞的视频也复习了这些词语。歌曲呢,我们学习了铃儿响叮当。我们还做了麋鹿的手工,我们把纸的麋鹿身体部位拼接,然后就得到了一个圣诞树装饰。很多家长给我发信息说 孩子们非常喜欢他们做的圣诞树装饰,一回到家就把它挂在了自己家的圣诞树上。而且还很开心的教爸妈说用中文说圣诞快乐。
Any festival will be the best chance to learn the Culture. Merry Christmas !! We are so looking forward to the next week activities!!

